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Marine Communication

Garmin 010-11186-00     
Deck cable, 10. Need a little more cable? Our 10 meter deck cable can help. Cable has 12-pin connector. By Garmin.
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Garmin 010-11217-10     
Active Speaker. Connect your VHF radio to a compatible handset for on-board communication. The active speaker has a knob to adjust volume up or down as needed. By Garmin.
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Garmin 010-11219-00     
Power cable, VHF 300/NMEA 0183, Hailer. Provide power to your NMEA 0183 network with this NMEA 0183 power cable. By Garmin.
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Garmin 010-11257-00     
GHS 10 channel change knob. By Garmin.
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Garmin 010-11257-10     
Active speaker volume knob. By Garmin.
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Garmin 010-11258-00     
Active speaker top and bottom snap covers. By Garmin.
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