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Kano Laboratories

KANO Dryphite Graphite Lubrication Aerosol 10 ounces. Provides a smooth surface of high-grade graphite. Adheres to metal for long lasting lubrication under extreme pressure, temperature and weather. By Kano Laboratories.
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Kano Kroil 8 ounce Penetrating Oil. When it comes to freeing corroded items in tough spaces, nothing rivals powerful, industry-proven Kroil penetrating oil. Used and trusted by pros and experienced DIYers alike since 1939, Kroil quickly loosens rusted nuts and bolts, frees frozen shafts, pulleys, and more. By Kano Laboratories.
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KANO Aerosol Kroil Penetrating Oil 10 Ounces. When it comes to freeing corroded items in tough spaces, nothing rivals powerful, industry-proven Kroil penetrating oil. Used and trusted by pros and experienced DIYers alike since 1939, Kroil quickly loosens rusted nuts and bolts, frees frozen shafts, pulleys, and more. By Kano Laboratories.
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KANO Aerosol Kroil Penetrating Oil 13 Ounces. When it comes to freeing corroded items in tough spaces, nothing rivals powerful, industry-proven Kroil penetrating oil. Used and trusted by pros and experienced DIYers alike since 1939, Kroil quickly loosens rusted nuts and bolts, frees frozen shafts, pulleys, and more. By Kano Laboratories.
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KANO Aerosol Kroil Penetrating Oil 16.5 Ounces. When it comes to freeing corroded items in tough spaces, nothing rivals powerful, industry-proven Kroil penetrating oil. Used and trusted by pros and experienced DIYers alike since 1939, Kroil quickly loosens rusted nuts and bolts, frees frozen shafts, pulleys, and more. By Kano Laboratories.
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KANO Microil Precision Instrument Lubricant 8 ounces. Super refined, precision instrument oil. For lubricating delicate bearings, gauges, meters, clocks, typewriters, guns, etc. By Kano Laboratories.
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KANO MOLYFILM Molybdenum Lubrication Aerosol 10 ounces. Sprays a dry, smooth surface of Molybdenum Di-Sulfide. Adheres to any hard surface for excellent dry lubrication under severe pressure conditions. By Kano Laboratories.
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KANO Aerosol Kroil Penetrating Oil with Silicone 10 Ounces. Free it up, lube it up, finish it up. No job is too tough for Kroil Penetrant with Silicone (formerly SiliKroil). By Kano Laboratories.
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KANO Aerosol Kroil Penetrating Oil with Silicone 16.5 Ounces. Free it up, lube it up, finish it up. No job is too tough for Kroil Penetrant with Silicone (formerly SiliKroil). By Kano Laboratories.
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