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Disklabs Faraday Bags
The UK's original Disklabs faraday bags are used to shield digital devices from the battlefield to the boardroom in over 80 countries. Designed and manufactured in the UK Disklabs Faraday Bags, guarantee the security of evidence, protect important files and safeguard key information during transit. Whether it's on a mobile phone, tablet, laptop or key fob, we’re the UK’s number one provider of active RF shielding.

Disklabs ID1     
ID Shield (ID1) Faraday Bag – RF Shielding. All ID cards will still be able to use RFID and NFC, which will be on display in a small, see-through sleeve. ID Shield will isolate one mobile phone and passport, GPS or other similar-sized devices. Soft Back. Dimensions: w: 12.5cm/ h:22.0cm* (open) h:17.5cm (closed). By Disklabs Faraday Bag.
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Disklabs PS1     
Phone Shield (PS1) Faraday Bag – RF Shielding. A small, windowless bag that will isolate one mobile phone, GPS or other similar-sized device. It is used to ensure that mobile phones cannot be connected to remotely, preventing remote hacking, remote wiping of data/evidence and remote surveillance. Dimensions: w:11.5cm/ h:19cm. By Disklabs Faraday Bag.
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Ibattz IB-PWB-BK2-78     
Ibattz IB-PWB-BK2-78 Mojo BattStation Tough Dual Pro 7800. Battstation Tough Dual Pro 7800 is our solution for today's ever hungry power to mobile phones and gadgets. By Ibattz.
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ibattz IB-R6P-BLK-V1     
ibattz IB-R6P-BLK-V1 Refuel Invictus 6000 Charger Case for iPhone 6 Plus. By ibattz.
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Ibattz IB-RF5-BLK-BC     
Ibattz IB-RF5-BLK-BC Mojo Refuel Belt Clip Holster. Your Refuel battery case is always ready with the ibattz Refuel Belt Clip Holster. By Ibattz.
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Ibattz IB-RV6-BLK/GLD/SPG-V1     
Ibattz Mojo Refuel Invictus Battery Case for iPhone 6, the world's first removable power solution for your iPhone 6. By Ibattz.
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Ibattz IB-UB6-BLK-KIT     
ibattz IB-UB6-BLK-KIT Mojo Refuel Invictus I9005 USB Charger Power Bank Kit 3200 mAh. External USB Battery module charger for your Refuel Invictus Battery Case for iPhone 6. By Ibattz.
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ibattz IP60082/083/084     
ibattz iBack Aluminum Case for iPhone 6 Plus. By ibattz.
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Ibattz IP60106/107/108     
ibattz iBack Aluminum Case for iPhone 6. By ibattz.
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