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Industrial Revolution

Micro Candle Lantern, available in blue, green, orange, or red. For a warm glow of candlelight around the campsite, pack this cleverly compact Micro Candle Lantern. By Industrial Revolution Uco.
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Compact Safety Matches - 10-pack - 32 matches per box. By Industrial Revolution Uco.
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Match Case, Orange. The UCO Match Case is a waterproof case that can hold up to 40 matches keeping them dry and protected. By Industrial Revolution Uco.
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Long-Burn Matches. UCO Long-Burn Matches are designed for starting fires that take just a bit longer than usual to get going. By Industrial Revolution Uco.
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Compact Strike Anywhere Matches, 10-pack. By Industrial Revolution Uco.
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Strike Anywhere Matches - 250 matches per box. By Industrial Revolution Uco.
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Strike-on-Box Matches - 250 matches per box. By Industrial Revolution Uco.
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Stormproof Match Kit - Yellow. The UCO Stormproof Match Kit is a waterproof case that includes 25 matches and 3 strikers. By Industrial Revolution Uco.
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Stormproof Matches - single blister pack - 25 matches. By Industrial Revolution Uco.
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