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Skullcandy S5URHW-509
Skullcandy Uproar Wireless Bluetooth Headphones (Black). By Skullcandy.
Bluetooth Wireless
Whether you're walking down the street or gaming on the couch, Bluetooth functionality makes it possible to take your audio anywhere you go.
10-Hour Battery Life
Enjoy the comfort and sound of your headphones for a full 10 hours, without having to worry about recharging. Carefree listening is yours wherever you choose to take your soundtrack.
OnBoard Mic/Remote
Take calls and navigate your playlists with the built in microphone and easy-to-access buttons on the ear cup. Use the + and - buttons to adjust volume, change songs and hit the circle button to take answer/end calls or play/pause the music.
  • Low-profile fit and lightweight design
  • Bluetooth wireless with 10-hour rechargeable battery
  • Call, track and volume control via the built-in microphone and remote
  • Colors available in Black (S5URHW-509)

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