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iLuv AI6SDROAXBK DropArmor X Phone Case For iPhone 6/6S. If you need tough, dependable protection for your iPhone 6s/6, look no further than DropArmor X. Designed to fit the sleek shape of your iPhone 6s/6, this rugged case is built with a dual layer of tough polycarbonate for impact resistance and flexible TPU for shock absorption. DropArmor X also features a snap-on polycarbonate frame that covers your phone's bezels and prevents the screen from touching any surfaces if it is placed face down. An included tempered glass screen protector is precisely cut to ensure a perfect fit with your iPhone 6s/6. It renders it virtually impossible to scratch your screen yet doesn't reduce screen appearance or touch screen capabilities at all. Enjoy complete protection from drops, shocks and other accidents with DropArmor X. By iLuv.
  • Rugged design safeguards your iPhone 6s/6
  • Combination of tough polycarbonate and flexible TPU form a dual layer of superior protection
  • Includes impact registant tempered glass screen protector
  • Polycarbonate frame protects the screen from drops
  • Designed to fit securely on your iPhone 6s/6
  • Precise cutouts provide unhindered access to all ports and control

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