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Ultimate Survival

The Survival Card Tool is a pocket sized stainless-steel multi-tool encased in orange plastic. By Ultimate Survival Technologies.
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The perfect supplement to any fire starter, WetFire can help you get a blaze going even in a downpour. In fact, the cubes actually burn longer when wet! By Ultimate Survival Technologies.
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UST Marine Para 550 Multi-Puropse Paracord Bracelets. By Ultimate Survival Technologies.
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JetScream Whistle, green. Almost everyone, from small children to seniors, can benefit from JetScream's piercing shriek. By Ultimate Survival Technologies.
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Waterproof Match Case. By Ultimate Survival Technologies.
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Fire Starter Stix 12-pk. By Ultimate Survival Technologies.
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This 23" stainess-steel, multi-strand cutting wire cuts through logs and brances with ease! By Ultimate Survival Technologies.
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The Hear-Me Bear Bell alerts animals to your presence. By Ultimate Survival Technologies.
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Sparkie Fire Starter features one-handed operation in a lightweight, compact design. Built on the premise of the original BlastMatch, Sparkie can be operated with one hand and start your fire even in the most adverse weather conditions. By Ultimate Survival Technologies.
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