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BCB International

Blast Boxers - These shorts offer protection against most fragments during blasts from IED's, and help guard against life changing injuries such as perineal and femoral artery injuries. By BCB International.
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Waterproof Field Notebook with pencil 12cm x 7.8cm, green. By BCB International.
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Waterproof Notebook (refill only). Water and tear resistant notepad in a durable, green vinyl cover. The pages can be cleaned and reused. By BCB International.
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Waterproof Notebook Refill (pack of 10). Water and tear resistant notepad in a durable, green vinyl cover. The pages can be cleaned and reused. By BCB International.
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Micro Torch Flashlights II (available in red only). This small key-ring size LED will give continuous light for10 hours if required, or signaling ability to over a mile. It comes complete with a battery fitted. By BCB International.
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Ultimate Survival Kit (USA Version). By BCB International.
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Go Pack Survival Pouch. A convenient belt pouch consisting of 2 clear compartments filled with essential survival components, supplied in a beige pouch. By BCB International.
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Trekkers (Combat) Survival Tin. By BCB International.
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Mountain (Military) Survival Tin. An upgraded vacuum-packed version of the combat survival tin. By BCB International.
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