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SOG Tools

EOD PowerLock (Black Oxide). Specifically designed to be used in EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal) applications. By SOG Knives.
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EOD PowerLock black oxide with V-cutter. Ultimate folding pliers tool - component locks, comfortable to use, and complete tool package. By SOG Knives.
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The new PowerAssist (black oxide) takes multi-tools to a new level. This is the first in the world to house not just one but two assisted opening blades (available when the main tool is closed)! By SOG Knives.
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Silver PowerLock. Ultimate folding pliers tool - component locks, comfortable to use, and complete tool package. By SOG Knives.
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PowerLock with V-cutter. Ultimate folding pliers tool - component locks, comfortable to use, and complete tool package. By SOG Knives.
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The PowerAssist takes multi-tools to a new level. This is the first in the world to house not just one but two assisted opening blades (available when the main tool is closed)! By SOG Knives.
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