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Ka-Bar Tools

Hobo 3-in-1 Utensil Kit. Portable fork, knife and spoon with nylon carrying case is designed for on the go or outdoor dining. All three utensils slide apart and back together for an all-in-one dining kit. Just toss in backpack or glove compartment. By Ka-Bar.
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KA-BAR 9406 TDI Self Defense Cane. The black powder-coated 0.100-thick 5052-H32 aluminum self-defense TDI cane has a 1.0" diameter, measures 39" and can be cut shorter for fit. Weight is approximately 2.15 lb. By Ka-Bar.
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KA-BAR 9906 Lake Effect Ice Scraper. Grivory ice scraper makes short work of cleaning ice off your windshield and can be used alternately as a self-defense tool. By Ka-Bar.
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KA-BAR 9907 KA-BARLEY. Made of extra-durable plastic material and featuring the traditional KA-BAR oval-shaped handle, the KA-BARLEY makes light work of prying off bottle caps. By Ka-Bar.
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