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Industrial Connectors

powerCON 32 A cable connector. The 32 A powerCON is an extremely robust and reliable locking single phase AC appliance cable connector for high current capacity (32 A rated). By Neutrik.
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Cable connector, quick lock with securing lever, A-type for power-in, screw terminals. The PowerCon is a locking 3 conductor equipment AC connector with contacts for line, neutral and pre-mating ground contact. It replaces appliance couplers wherever a very rugged solution in combination with a locking device is needed in order to guarantee a safe power connection. By Neutrik.
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PowerCon NAC3FCB cable connector, quick lock with securing lever, B-type for power-out, screw terminals. The PowerCon is a locking 3 conductor equipment AC connector with contacts for line, neutral and pre-mating ground contact. It replaces appliance couplers wherever a very rugged solution in combination with a locking device is needed in order to guarantee a safe power connection. By Neutrik.
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NAC3FX-W-TOP Locking female cable connector, screw terminals. By Neutrik.
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The PowerCon Coupler for linking cables, one side with NAC3MPA (power in) and the other side with NAC3MPB (power out). The PowerCon is a locking 3 conductor equipment AC connector with contacts for line, neutral and pre-mating ground contact. It replaces appliance couplers wherever a very rugged solution in combination with a locking device is needed in order to guarantee a safe power connection. By Neutrik.
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powerCON 32 A chassis connector, power-in. By Neutrik.
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The PowerCon Air tight chassis connector, A-type for power-in, flat tab terminals. The PowerCon is a locking 3 conductor equipment AC connector with contacts for line, neutral and pre-mating ground contact. It replaces appliance couplers wherever a very rugged solution in combination with a locking device is needed in order to guarantee a safe power connection. By Neutrik.
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Chassis connector, power-out, 3/16'' flat tab terminals, grey. By Neutrik.
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NAC3MX-W-TOP Locking male cable connector, screw terminals. By Neutrik.
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