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Labeling Products

Panduit LJSL5-Y3-1     
Laser/ink jet self-laminating label. 8.5" x 11" sheet, 1.00" x 1.33" x .47" write-on area. Pack of 1,000. By Panduit.
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Panduit LJSL5-Y3-2.5     
Laser/ink jet self-laminating label. 8.5" x 11" sheet, 1.00" x 1.33" x .47" write-on area. Pack of 2,500. By Panduit.
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Panduit LJSL6-Y3-1     
Laser/ink jet self-laminating label, 8.5" x 11" sheet, 1.00" x 3.17" x .97" write-on area. Pack of 1,000. By Panduit.
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Panduit PDL-4     
Dot-Matrix Self-Laminating Label, 1.00" x 2.25", 0.75: POA, tedlar, clear/white, 1,000 pc. By Panduit.
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Panduit PDL-8-10     
Dot-Matrix Self-Laminating Label, 0.80" x 1.44", Vinyl, White, 10,000 pc. By Panduit.
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Panduit PROGEMCD3     
Panduit Easy-Mark Labeling Software CD-ROM simplifies label creation for the specific needs of your applications. By Panduit.
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Panduit S100X225YAJ     
Laser/ink jet self-laminating label. Polyeseter, 1.00" W x 2.25" H, .75" POA, Clear/White, white print-on area, polyester label for 8 - 4 AWG wire. Pack of 1000. By Panduit.
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