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Puro Icon Series

Puro BB26C3ICON1/BB26C3ICON2     
Puro Icon Power Bank 2600 mAh are the compact external batteries with a degrade texture, perfect for expressing, through bright colours, each day a different emotion. By Puro.
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Puro Icon Retractable Lightning Cable, 1 meter. Certificated "Made for iPod, iPhone and iPad". It recharges and synchronizes Apple lightning devices and it is compatible with fast charger devices which allow a faster charge. By Puro.
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Puro Icon Retractable Micro USB Cable, 1 meter. It recharges and synchronizes Micro USB devices and it is compatible with fast charger devices which allow a faster charge. By Puro.
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Puro IPC647ICON     
Puro Icon Cases For Apple iPhone 6/6S are realized in rigid plastic with soft-touch effect surface, and guarantee the protection of your smartphone against scratches and bumps. By Puro.
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Puro IPHF16ICON     
Puro Icon Stereo Earphones are lightweight, ultra-flexible and are characterized by bright colors, perfect for expressing, through the color icon, a different emotion every day. By Puro.
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